Martlesham Village Fete

Martlesham Fete is being held Saturday 19th July 2025!

We look forward to welcoming you back to the fete and hope the date is already firmly in your diary.
We already have a full range of entertainment planned to suit all tastes, including singers, Jazz and of course Martlesham Brass. There will also be demonstrations from local dance groups and others.
In a new departure we are pleased to announce that the RSPCA will be organising a dog show. If you have a pet dog you are proud of please enter it for all to admire. We will publish details of how to enter nearer the time.
A fairground and ice creams will also be part of the attractions, and fun activities will be laid on to occupy the little ones.
All this as well as stalls representing local organisations, charities and businesses which contribute to making Martlesham a great place in which to live.
Our articles over the next months will keep you up to date and give further details of what to expect, but in the meantime keep the date.
If you would like to have a stall or presence at the fete please contact the organising team at If you would like to join the organising team you would be welcome, just contact us at the same email address.

Organised by a Working Group of Martlesham Council.

Entry Form for Non-Commercial Enterprises
Entry Form for Commercial Enterprises